Cat6 vs Cat7 vs Cat8 Cable Comparison

Summary:Six and SFTP CAT7 CableIn a Cat6 vs Cat7 comparison, transmission frequency and cable length are two important factors to consider. From the introduct

Six and SFTP CAT7 Cable

In a Cat6 vs Cat7 comparison, transmission frequency and cable length are two important factors to consider. From the introduction above, Cat6 cables offer performance up to 250 MHz, while Cat7 cables are rated to transmit up to 600 MHz. Cat6 cables have a maximum cabling length of 100m and a rate of 1 Gbps, while Cat7 cables have a maximum cabling length of 100m and a rate of 10 Gbps.

As for the cable prices of Cat6 and Cat7, if compared under the same conditions, the Cat7 cable is more expensive than the Cat6 cable. If you can't afford either, Cat5e is also a good choice for a 10G network.

By the way, Cat6 and Cat7 also have different durability. The estimated service life of Cat6 cable is about 10 years, while the service life of Cat7 cable is about 15 years.

Seven and eight

Transmission frequency and cable length are also very important in a Cat7 vs Cat8 comparison. Cat7 cables provide performance up to 600 MHz, while Cat8 cables provide performance up to 2000 MHz. Cat7 cables have a maximum cabling length of 100m, 10 Gbps, while Cat8 is 30m, 25 Gbps, or 40 Gbps.

As for Cat7 vs Cat8 cable prices, Cat8 cables are more expensive due to their unique features, unlike previous Ethernet cables.